The Sun Is Only Part of What Makes a Great Tan

Most people love the look of a tan Most people show a pretty wide range when it comes to what they find attractive. And that goes both for what they find attractive in other people and in themselves. There's not a lot of constants in the world. But one of the biggest is a nice tan. There's just something about a tan that speaks to a wide variety of different positive traits. Intellectually people might be well aware that suggestion and reality are often quite different. But when one sees a person with a tan than it's usually safe to assume that they love to have fun outdoors. And a tan speaks to health as well. Even if someone can get a tan from simply laying in the sun, it's always easy to imagine that someone with a tan is out in the sun every day pushing their limits. The importance of A tan speaks to both looks and personality. But there's one big problem with tanning. It's usually done in a rather unhealthy way. People usually tan as a result of ...