Get Improved Skin and a Great Tan with Melanotan 2

There are a number of products in the category of health and beauty, which can help protect skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Most of these products are designed to make the skin look healthy. One of the newest products available in this line is Melanotan 2. This product is not an ordinary beauty aid and will not be found on the shelves with suntan lotions and creams. This new product is actually a hormone created to work on the interior cells of the body. For those individuals not familiar with Melanotan, it is a liquid people inject into their bodies to create a hormone reaction within the cells. How Melanotan 2 Works As a synthetic hormone, the chemical formula for this product allows it to attach itself to the internal receptors used for peptides. When this attachment or binding occurs it allows the receptors to send signals to the cells of the body telling them how to perform. In the case of Melanotan 2, the cells receive signals to increase the produ...